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CoreSaving 品 牌 精 神


節能減碳是政府施政主軸 也是磐基國際極致目標的方向

臺灣將2014年訂為「節能減碳年」,正是我國以全球最新觀點,檢視目前因應氣候變遷相關策略,啟動適合我國情需求之溫室氣體國家適當減緩行動 ,以加速拓展綠色新政、發展綠能產業、增加綠色就業機會及推展綠色生活的最佳時機,磐基國際發展產品精神,並可向國際宣示我國履行氣候公約的意願與決心,統籌規劃及推動包含生活、運輸、住宅、照明以及用品等各層面的具體行動節能,開發節能環保商品使全民邁向低碳社會,達到台灣承諾的節能減碳目標。


Taiwan will set 2014 as "carbon reduction Year", it is our view to the world's newest, view the current response to climate change-related policies, starting for greenhouse gas country my circumstances demand appropriate mitigation actions to accelerate the expansion of the Green New Deal, the development of green energy industry, increasing green jobs and green living the best time to take forward, corestone spirit of international product development, and declared to fulfill the will and determination of the international climate convention, overall planning and promote contain living, transportation, housing, lighting and supplies, and other concrete actions at all levels of energy efficiency, the development of energy-saving goods to make all the people towards a low-carbon society, to achieve energy saving and carbon reduction target Taiwan commitments.

CoreLight 系列商品

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