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當使用磐基國際Core Ice晶纖維所製冰涼巾時, 您會感到衣服有一股涼感,這是因為冰晶纖維添加了天然、無毒之冰涼粉體, 充分運用了吸熱慢、散熱快之原理。所以, 當您穿著冰涼服飾時, 會感到無比的涼快舒適。 冰晶纖維所製之織品,是夏季讓您不再汗的最佳選擇。冰涼服飾比棉製或其它纖維製之服飾溫度低約 1 ~ 2°C, 如您穿著冰涼服飾, 室內空調溫度不必太低, 經統計, 如室內空調溫度調高一度, 約可節省 3%~5%之電費。不但節能, 並且減少二氧化碳之排放。推廣與穿著冰涼服飾是愛地球的最佳、最直接表現。冰晶纖維之效果來自於直加添加冰涼礦粉體於纖維之中, 並非於織品後段加工, 所以使用冰涼纖維織造之織品, 其涼爽效果永久有效。


Since the formation of the Earth, atmospheric composition, ever-changing, especially trace gases, although its volume slightly, but the global impact on the environment plays a decisive role. In which the principle of global warming, just as the greenhouse (Greenhouse), atmospheric absorption of long-wave radiation released from the Earth's surface, then reflected back to the ground, through this natural greenhouse effect, maintain the temperature of the earth's surface. If there is no atmosphere, the temperature of the Earth will be lower than the current low. In recent years, due to the rapid growth of human economic activities, air pollution and chemicals manufacturing of arising, it is growing at an unprecedented rate, altering the atmospheric structure. Wherein especially after gas after CO2 arising from fossil fuel combustion, significant emissions into the atmosphere, absorb long-wave radiation surface, the result of man-made greenhouse effect so that the surface temperature was gradually increased.


When using corestone International Core Ice cold towel crystal fibers made you feel there was a sense of cool clothes, it is because of ice cold powder added natural fiber, non-toxic, the full use of the endothermic slow, fast heat of principle. So, when you are wearing cool clothes, you will feel very cool and comfortable. Fiber fabric made of ice crystals, so you no longer sweat the summer the best choice. Less than cotton clothing cold or other fibers of the clothing temperature for about 1 ~ 2 ° C, if you wear cool clothing, indoor air temperature does not have to be too low, the statistics, such as indoor air temperature increase was, can save about 3% ~ 5% of the electricity. Not only energy efficiency, and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. Promotion and wearing cool costumes is the best love the earth, the most direct expression. The effect of ice fiber plus add cold straight from the fiber into the ore body is not working after the fabric section, so use cold fiber woven fabric, its cool effect is permanent.

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