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CoreCar 品 牌 簡 介


低耗能車款當道 磐基國際能夠符合未來趨勢

在各國政府爭相訂定削減碳排放量以及消費者因為高油價而改變購車與開車習慣之下,節能減碳已成為全球汽車業的主流趨勢。除了油電混合車,太陽能、氫動力、 甚至空氣動力等新款環保概念車逐一推出。除了動力之外,汽車內裝及配件也愈來愈多改用環保材質。按照目前發展的速度,不出兩三年,馬路上行駛的汽車就將顛 覆我們對交通工具的傳統印象,節能省油議題將是購車重要條件!

法令趨嚴 汽車業面臨新標準 磐基國際開發汽車相關產品
今年以來,不論是在日內瓦、法蘭克福、底特律或東京,各大國際車展的主題一律是清淨與綠色概念。磐基國際品牌core care更是在這方面,發展專屬品牌汽車節能相關產品從高科技省油材料Zynergy到汽車緊急啟動行動電源及鈑金奈米鍍膜等相關產品幫助對於日本車商本田和豐田及美國和歐洲車商則是別無選擇必須要做環保。除了受困於不斷下降的銷售以及過度依賴非常耗油的卡車和休旅車(SUV)之外,解決車商他們面臨新的法令要求提高汽車燃油經濟標準。


Low energy vehicles in power Corestone International can meet future trends
Governments competing set to cut carbon emissions, and consumers because of high oil prices and changes under the car and driving habits, reduce carbon emissions has become the main trend of the global automotive industry. In addition to hybrid vehicles, solar energy, hydrogen, or air power and other new environmentally friendly concept car introduced one by one. In addition to power, automotive interior and accessories are more and more use of environmentally friendly materials. In accordance with the current rate of development, not in 2023, on the road moving car will subvert our traditional image of the vehicle, saving fuel issue will be an important condition for the car!
Act tightened the automotive industry is facing a new international standard Corestone development of automotive-related products

This year, both in Geneva, Frankfurt, Detroit or Tokyo, the major international auto show's theme is all clean and green concepts. Corestone international brand core care is in this context, the development of energy-related products exclusive brand vehicles launched an emergency jump start power and sheet metal nano-coating and other related products from the high-tech fuel-efficient material Zynergy help to the car for the Japanese car makers Honda and Toyota and the United States and European car makers have no choice but to do it is environmentally friendly. In addition to struggling with declining sales, and over-reliance on highly gas-guzzling trucks and sport utility vehicles (SUV) than to solve car makers claim they face new laws to improve vehicle fuel economy standards.

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