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CoreLight 品 牌 簡 介 




顧客體驗到磐基國際產品,是市場中最值得信賴,不僅有高信賴度的零件使用,更是因為磐基國際精良且專業的製造技術。2013 年更突破工業製造技術,增加 LED 日光燈管、LED 崁燈、LED 條燈、LED 燈泡 ... 等室內用照明燈具,燈具新事業線的誕生,即擁有數項國際專利,讓磐基國際Core Light品牌更具極高的市場優勢及品牌競爭力。


誠信、專業、創新,磐基國際將持續研發更精良的產品、LED 燈具商品,以更精進的服務達成顧客需求。台灣總公司、台灣生產中心歡竭誠地為您服務!


Since 2011,  Corestone more international response to the government policy of saving energy and reducing carbon roots in Taiwan, the investment research and development team and production line in Taiwan, to develop more sophisticated LED products. Exports to Europe and North America for industrial customers, rich marketing experience, over the years has been praised by the global international customers.

Customer experience Corestone international products, is the market's most trusted, not only high reliability parts use, but also because Corestone international sophisticated and professional manufacturing technology. 2013 more breakthrough industrial manufacturing technology, increase LED fluorescent tube, LED down light, LED strip lights, LED bulbs ... etc indoor lighting, lighting the birth of a new business line that has a number of international patents, allowing Corestone International Core Light brand more high market advantage and brand competitiveness.
Integrity, professionalism, innovation, Paragon International will continue to develop more sophisticated products, LED lighting goods, in order to achieve a more sophisticated service customer needs. Taiwan Corporation, Taiwan's production center serve you!

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